
Church History 

Founders: Dr. Apostle Richard Walthour Jr & Evangelist Molice I. Walthour

  • In the year of 1974, Apostle Richard Walthour Jr. had a vision from God which instructed him to start holding revival services in Statesboro.
  • In 1975, Apostle and the other saints began to conduct revival services. Messages warned the people to get right with God or face judgment.
  • During the revival, many souls were delivered and filled with the Holy Ghost.
  • At the end of the tent revival services, several individuals expressed an interest in starting a local assembly.
  • A local church was established and it began to hold services in the Whitesville area of Statesboro.
  • In 1979, the local church was forced to relocate. Mother Naomi Harvey and Mother Betty Harvey searched and found a suitable place of worship on the corner of Denmark and Bay Street.
  • In 1979, Prophet Melvin Bynes was appointed pastor of the local church and his wife, Evangelist Carlene Bynes would assist him in the ministry.
  • The Lord blessed the local church to pay the mortgage of the facility and complete renovation work.
  • The church continues to serve as a place where healing and deliverance through the power of Jesus Christ can be found.

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